Read details about the 2020 Grants Award Luncheon at —
The Presenting Sponsor of the luncheon is Festival Foods.
Thanks to Diane Gebhart, retired teacher and former member of the LPEF Board of Directors, for photography at the luncheon.
- Darryle Clott, a longtime English teacher and Holocaust educator, was the featured speaker at the 2020 LPEF Grants Award Luncheon talking on “Teachers Inspire,” which she has adopted as the theme for her year as 2019 Mrs. Oktoberfest.
- Superintendent Randy Nelson, center, was a surprise recipient of a Richard Swantz Leadership Award. Nelson is retiring at the end of the school year. He is joined by his wife Lynn and Dave Skogen, chairman of Festival Foods, who presented the surprise award.
- LPEF President Rochelle Nicks, left, presents the annual Corporate Partner in Education Award to Trust Point, who was represented by Assistant VP Regina Siegel.
- Celebrating the initial Richard Swantz Leadership Award were, from left, Tony Swantz, Mark White, Kathie Tyser and Deb White. Mark was honored for his work as a school principal and now as director of human resources for the School District of La Crosse.
- Grant recipients, including Julie Welch from Lincoln Middle School and Sandy Brauer, principal at North Woods International School, stood to be recognized and applauded during the 2020 Grants Award Luncheon.
- LPEF Board Member Margaret Dihlmann-Malzer presented the Distinguished Service Award to Tammy Larson, who just left the LPEF Board after seven years of service.
- Jessa Ellenbecker, who teaches special physical education classes at Logan and Central high schools, is applauded for her work and the grant she received, which was sponsored by Festival Foods.
- From left: John and Linda Lyche join Dr. Tom Thompson, a member of the LPEF Board who also was honored with a grant awarded in his name.
- From left: Logan Middle Principal Amber Erickson, Logan Middle teacher Dani Hartman, and Pat Ruda from the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.
- From left: Barb Secord, a Longfellow teacher; Shelley Shirel, District Director of Elementary Education; and Connie Troyanek, member of the Board of Education.
- Dave Skogen, chairman of the board of Festival Foods, spoke from the heart about the leadership work of Randy Nelson, prior to presenting Randy with a surprise award.
- Retiring Superintendent Randy Nelson credited the La Crosse community for stepping up to address key issues and thanked the audience for its support during his 9 years as superintendent.
- Laurie Cooper Stoll, president of the La Crosse Board of Education, was joined by Logan High’s Byron Holz.
- La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat joined a table with Coulee Bank representatives, including Mike Gargaro, Coulee’s chief operating officer, and Angela Erdenberger, credit analyst supervisor and a new member of the LPEF Board.
- Student Faith Yang (center) received a grant for her study of eco-friendly Earthships. She was joined by her parents, Va You Yang (left) and Amber Valencia (right).
- Heidi Odegaard, left, is a community engagement professional for Mayo Clinic Health System and recently joined the LPEF Board. She is pictured here with Mayo’s Roxy Lassig.
- Jennifer Livingston, morning news host at News 8 WKBT, was the MC for the luncheon.
- From left: News 8 WKBT’s Jennifer Livingston is joined by former News 8 anchor Lisa Klein, along with Assignment Editor Tiffany Olson and News Director Anne Paape.
- From left: John Monson with Carol Taebel and her granddaughter, Carly Morris.
- From Gundersen Health System: back, from left – Karol Fox and Sarah Havens; front, from left – Laura Olson and Amanda Westphal, an LPEF Board member.
- From left: retired teachers Kathy Storlie and Laurie Strand, along with LPEF Board Secretary Kathie Tyser (a retired associate superintendent), and current Lincoln teacher Julie Welch.
- LPEF Board Secretary Kathy Tyser, left, was associate superintendent of instruction in La Crosse schools, and presented the Richard Swantz Leadership Award to Mark White.
- Mark White, director of human resources for the School District of La Crosse, was honored for his work as a school principal and for his leadership of state and national organizations for principals. — with School District of La Crosse.
- A quintet from Logan High School provided musical entertainment. Included were: Colin Miller, French Horn; William Coffey, trombone; Alex Knerzer, tuba; teacher Brian Renkas on trumpet; and Leah Mattingley on trumpet.
- From left at a table sponsored by Modern Crane Service: Mary Prinsen, Anna Prinsen (owner of Modern Crane and vice president of the LPEF Board), Alison Frost and Kathy Wilhemy.
- From left: MaryJo Snow, former LPEF Board President Rachel Gundersen, and Rick Albrechtson.
- Former LPEF Board President Maureen Freedland, left, with speaker Darryle Clott. Maureen and her husband, Bob, created an endowment fund for LPEF that supports grants to La Crosse teachers providing education related to the Holocaust.
- Coulee Bank Chief Operating Officer Mike Gargaro (left) is joined by Linda and John Lyche, and Coulee Credit Analyst Supervisor Angela Erdenberger (right), a member of the LPEF Board.
- From the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, from left: Pat Ruda, Sister Sue Ernster and Madalene Buelow.
- A Longfellow/La Crosse Design Institute reunion, from left: Penny Reedy, retired principal; Chris Swenson, retired teacher; Garrett Zimmerman, teacher and leader for LDI and 7 Rivers; Marlina Zimmerman, Longfellow music teacher; Jacie Mailey-Faas, retired administrative assistant; and Maggie McHugh, LDI teacher
- From left; Ron Malzer and Margaret Dihlmann-Malzer (a member of the LPEF Board), with Tom Thompson (LPEF Board member) and Barb Albrechtson.
- At a table sponsored by Mayo Clinic Health System, from left: Roxy Lassig from Mayo; Carissa Brudos, teacher and grant recipient from Summit Enviromental School; Cathy Pupp from Mayo and Peter Grabow from Mayo
- Former LPEF Board Member Tammy Larson and her husband, Jon, a teacher at Longfellow Middle School.
- Tammy Larson accepts the Margaret Dihlmann-Malzer Distinguished Service Award. She was honored for her volunteer work with LPEF, including service as president, vice president and treasurer of the organization.
- Tony Swantz, a teacher in Fort Atkinson, thanked LPEF and the luncheon crowd on behalf of the Swantz family. His father, Richard Swantz, died in October and was the longest-serving superintendent in La Crosse school history.
- From left, Wells Fargo Bank’s Kris Reimler, Amy Waldera and Shane Deal.
- LPEF Executive Director David Stoeffler, left, greets UW-L Chancellor Joe Gow and his wife Carmen Wilson.
- From left: David Stoeffler, LPEF executive director; Mark White, District human resources director; Randy Nelson, superintendent of schools; and Dave Skogen, chairman of the board of Festival Foods.
- LPEF staff members Dawn Hemker, left, and Denise Vujnovich.
- Joe Ledvina, director of buildings and grounds for the School District of La Crosse, with Patty Sprang, director of business services.
- Superintendent Randy Nelson with Dave Skogen.
- Superintendent Randy Nelson with Connie Troyanek, past president of the Board of Education.
- Regina Siegel, assistant vice president of Trust Point, accepts the Corporate Partner in Education Award on behalf of Trust Point. Regina is a former principal and administrator in the School District of La Crosse.
- From left: Associate Superintendent Troy Harcey, retired Logan High Principal Scott Mihalovic (a member of the LPEF Board), and LPEF Executive Director David Stoeffler.