• 14 Seventh-Grade Students Receive Award for Never Again! Reflection Contest

    Charlytte Nuttal from Longfellow Middle School and Evelyn Bailey and Emmaline Runyong both from Logan Middle Schol have each won the first-place prize in the Never Again! Reflection Contest from 61 total entries. The contest is designed to bring added meaning to studies of the Holocaust by connecting it with 21st century issues and is […]

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  • 54 Middle and High Schoolers participate in Never Again! Reflection Contest

    Maggie Herath, a sophomore at Logan High School, Anessa Baldridge and Audrey Barton, both 7th graders of Longfellow Middle, have each won first-place prize in The Never Again! Reflection Contest. The contest is designed to bring added meaning to studies of the Holocaust by connecting it with 21st century issues and is sponsored by the […]

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  • 7 Rivers student wins contest for essay on Holocaust

    Bevan Breaux, a sophomore at La Crosse 7 Rivers Community High School, has won first-place in an essay contest designed to bring added meaning to studies of the Holocaust by connecting it with 21st century issues. A Logan High School sophomore, Josh Perry, received second place and $100 in contest, sponsored by the Maureen and […]

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  • Never Again! 2017 winning essay: Pushing out people some see as unfit is ‘completely unsettling’

    Editor’s Note: Bevan Breaux, a sophomore at La Crosse’s 7 Rivers Community High School, won first place in the 2017 contest for essays on how the lessons of the Holocaust connect with 21st century issues. (See story here on the award.) The contest was sponsored by the Maureen and Robert Freedland Fund for Studies of […]

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  • LPEF honored for support of Holocaust education

    As part of the annual Holocaust Remembrance service on April 23, the Congregation Sons of Abraham honored the La Crosse Public Education Foundation and Executive Director David Stoeffler with a special award. LPEF was honored for Excellence in Holocaust Education and awarded the synagogue’s 12th “Wegner Leaf” on the CSOA Tree of Life. The award was […]

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  • Never Again! 2016 winning essay: America ready to repeat mistakes from 70 years ago

    Editor’s Note: Annika Dome, a sophomore at Logan High School, won first place in a new contest for her essay on how the lessons of the Holocaust connect with 21st century issues. (See story here on the award presentation.) The contest was sponsored by the Maureen and Robert Freedland Fund for Studies of the Shoah, […]

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  • Logan student wins contest for essay on Holocaust

    Annika Dome, a sophomore at La Crosse Logan High School, has won first-place in a new essay contest designed to bring added meaning to studies of the Holocaust by connecting it with 21st century issues. Two other Logan students – Lily Janezich and Isaiah Nelsen, both juniors – won honorable mention in the contest, sponsored […]

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  • New essay contest focuses on lessons of the Holocaust

    All high school students in the School District of La Crosse are encouraged to submit essays as part of a new contest designed to bring added meaning to studies of the Holocaust (Shoah) by connecting it with 21st century issues. The “Never Again!” essay contest is sponsored by the Maureen and Robert Freedland Fund for Studies of the […]

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  • Grants to enrich study of Holocaust for middle schools

    LPEF’s Freedland Shoah Study Fund awards grants totaling $3,219 Students at La Crosse Lincoln and Logan middle schools will learn more about the history of the Holocaust and its relevance to today’s events thanks to two classroom grants supported by an endowment fund set up for the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. Two grants totaling […]

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