Recent Posts from the La Crosse Public Education Foundation

  • Packers Foundation provides $7,000 for Logan High weight room project

    Students at Logan High School are going to see a major upgrade to the school weight room in part due to a recent grant from the Green Bay Packers Foundation. The $7,000 grant was obtained by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation, working with Logan Activities Director Jordan Gilge. The

  • Longfellow “Math Minds” will benefit from special LPEF grant

    Students in Longfellow Middle School 7th-grade classrooms are getting some challenging new math games and materials due to a special grant awarded Dec. 10 by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. Teachers Kelsey Ferkingstad and Liz Ramsay received the $250 grant from LPEF Administrative Assistant Dawn Hemker. The grant was

  • Students dive into new books provided through Give-a-Gift fundraiser

    Students at Southern Bluffs Elementary School received a special treat on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3, as staff from the La Crosse Public Library delivered boxes of books for 4th-grade classrooms. The books were purchased through the unique collaboration between the Library, the School District of La Crosse and the La

  • Dick Swantz, former superintendent and co-founder of LPEF, dies at age 84

    Richard Swantz, the longest serving superintendent of schools in La Crosse history and a co-founder of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation, died Oct. 15, 2019 at the age of 84. Services will be held Oct. 28-29. Read the full obituary here. Swantz retired as superintendent in 1998 after serving

  • Randy and Lynn Nelson create LPEF endowment fund

    Grants will support physical fitness, servant leadership and character development Superintendent of Schools Randy Nelson and his wife Lynn have announced plans to create an LPEF endowment fund that will generate annual grants to encourage physical fitness, or servant leadership skills and character development. At the District’s annual Back-to-School event

  • LPEF called “a lifeline” for educators in La Crosse schools

    In new podcasts, teachers say LPEF’s “sole mission is to make school better for kids” Leading teachers in the School District of La Crosse are sharing their thoughts about the La Crosse Public Education Foundation in a new series of podcasts. The Gold Star Educators podcast series gives listeners an

  • LPEF grant-writing initiative bringing new funds to District

    Students in the School District of La Crosse are benefiting from a range of opportunities – including family nights, classroom library books, choral risers, wireless microphones and adaptive sports equipment – due to a new fundraising effort by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. Since Spring 2018, LPEF has obtained

  • Share love of reading through Library’s “Give-a-Gift” event Nov. 8

    Help instill a love of reading in La Crosse school students at this year’s “Give-a-Gift” event at the La Crosse Public Library on Nov. 8. For the second year, the Library is partnering with the School District of La Crosse and the La Crosse Public Education Foundation to provide books

  • 2019 Bowtie Classic

    2019 Bowtie Classic shatters fundraising record with nearly $36,000 raised for La Crosse schools Presented by   Other major sponsors A day of fun and fundraising was on tap Saturday, Aug. 31 at the seventh Charlie Miller Bowtie Classic Golf Outing and Knowledge Open. Nearly $36,000 was raised after expenses

  • Recognition for La Crosse teachers and staff funded by new Tom and Jean Heyt Thompson Endowment

    Two La Crosse school teachers were surprise recipients Aug. 29 of school grants supported by a new endowment fund of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. The new endowment — created by education-loving community philanthropists Tom and Jean Heyt Thompson — will provide permanent support for recognition programs for teachers