Recent Posts from the La Crosse Public Education Foundation

  • Never Again! 2017 winning essay: Pushing out people some see as unfit is ‘completely unsettling’

    Editor’s Note: Bevan Breaux, a sophomore at La Crosse’s 7 Rivers Community High School, won first place in the 2017 contest for essays on how the lessons of the Holocaust connect with 21st century issues. (See story here on the award.) The contest was sponsored by the Maureen and Robert

  • LPEF honored for support of Holocaust education

    As part of the annual Holocaust Remembrance service on April 23, the Congregation Sons of Abraham honored the La Crosse Public Education Foundation and Executive Director David Stoeffler with a special award. LPEF was honored for Excellence in Holocaust Education and awarded the synagogue’s 12th “Wegner Leaf” on the CSOA Tree

  • LPEF obtains $4,000 grant from Mary Grace Sieber Fund for special needs seating alternatives

    Students with special needs in the School District of La Crosse will get a chance to test a variety of seating options that allow greater movement and a chance to burn excess energy as a result of a grant obtained by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. The $4,000 grant

  • A grand piano is coming to the great hall at Logan Middle School

    Generous community donors – spurred by a challenge from David Marck, a La Crosse native who is an acclaimed jazz pianist – raised more than $42,000 to purchase and maintain a grand piano for the Logan Middle School Auditorium. Of the total, $23,000 came from the Bob and Jean Marck

  • LPEF grant, community donations will help students get wireless internet access at home

    The La Crosse Public Education Foundation has approved a $3,000 grant to the School District of La Crosse to help students get wireless internet access away from school. The District provides equal opportunity for students with its 1:1 technology initiative – laptops for high school students and iPads for students

  • Closed (Partial Funding): Teach electricity concepts at Emerson, Southern Bluffs and Spence

    Summary: Help Emerson, Southern Bluffs and Spence Elementary Schools turn kids “on” to electricity concepts through hands-on devices called Makey Makeys. Goal: $688   •   Amount raised: $20, plus $20 in matching LPEF funds   •   Schools: Emerson, Southern Bluffs and Spence  •   Sponsor Names: Teachers Katie Gudgeon, Jenny Ruetten, Marcia Gardner and Jean

  • La Crosse schools share $32,982 in classroom grants

    LPEF awards 21 grants in second round; total for year tops $61,400 Innovative classroom programs, including multiple efforts to address complex academic, emotional and behavioral issues facing students, are among 21 grants totaling $32,982 announced April 6 by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation (LPEF). Among the grants: support for

  • Your feedback requested on LPEF programs, priorities

    You can give us important feedback on current programs, and help shape the future priorities of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. The LPEF Board of Directors is working on an update to our Strategic Plan, and we’re looking for input from the community, including parents, School District staff, donors

  • Closed (Partial Funding): Support school-community garden through Hintgen Urban Garden project

    Summary: Support the Hintgen Urban Garden, a unique project in which the school will collaborate with people of all races and ethnicities within our community to create an inclusive and culturally relevant garden space for staff and students. Goal: $7,570   •   Amount Raised: $1,237, plus $987 in matching LPEF funds (total $2,224)   •   School: Hintgen Elementary School

  • Closed (Partial Funding): Build home libraries for Hintgen students

    Summary: Books from the Leveled Literacy Library are used at Hintgen Elementary to develop reading skills. The program offers low-cost “grey” copies of the books that kids read in school, allowing students to take and keep them for their home libraries and continue to improve their reading. Goal: $1,100   •