The La Crosse Public Education Foundation has a growing portfolio of endowed funds to support grant projects and other initiatives that sustain and strengthen teaching and learning in the School District of La Crosse.
RAK Forever Fund
This endowment was established by LPEF with over $500,000 in generous gifts community organizations, businesses, and individuals. The RAK Forever Fund provides annual income for Random Acts of Kindness in La Crosse schools which for 20 years has allowed school staff to provide support discreetly to children in need, when they need it, with no questions asked and no application required. The total cost for the RAK program is over $45,000 per year, and spending has been increasing.
Kember Family Music Grant Fund
This endowment, created by Jerry and Nan Kember, supports music education through LPEF’s Gold Star Grant program. The fund will benefit a wide range of programs at every grade level to enhance students’ experiences in music learning.
Tyser Power of Nature Fund
This endowment, created by Kathie and Rob Tyser, provides grants for students within the School District of La Crosse to experience the benefits of being in nature, including: field trips, co-curricular or after-school activities; fees to hire speakers or guides; or costs for students exploring nature-oriented career experiences. Kathie is a retired associate superintendent of La Crosse schools. Rob is a retired professor of biology at UW-La Crosse. See a YouTube video here.
Randy and Lynn Nelson Endowment Fund
This endowment, created by Randy and Lynn Nelson, supports grants to encourage physical fitness, or servant leadership skills and character development. Randy Nelson retired in June 2020 after nine years as superintendent of the School District of La Crosse. He served 12 years total in the District and 37 years as an educator. Lynn Nelson is a native of Westby and retired in 2018 after 35 years as a physical education teacher, most recently in Rochester, Minn. See a YouTube video here.
Tom and Jean Heyt Thompson Endowment Fund
This endowment, created by Tom and Jean Heyt Thompson, provides permanent support for recognition programs for teachers and staff in the School District of La Crosse. Tom Thompson was a member of the Board of Education for 15 years and previously served as chairman of the District Wide Parent Committee. Tom and Jean were partners in creating the Thompson Animal Medical Center.
Quarberg Family Pride of the North Side Endowment
This endowment was created by Brad and Gail Quarberg, whose children attended Logan High School. The couple are devoted supporters of music and public education. Brad is a former member of the Board of Education, and also served as Board of Education representative on the LPEF Board. The fund awarded its first annual grant in February 2019. Annual funding is split between the school marching band program and the school choir for the purchase of instruments or music, or support student travel or show expenses.
Rachel Gundersen Endowment for the Arts & Humanities
The Rachel Gundersen Endowment for the Arts & Humanities provides annual funding for a grant related to theater, dance, music and visual art forms, or to support projects in literature, languages, global studies, geography, history, law or a host of other topics in the humanities. The endowment was established through a generous gift by Rachel Gundersen, a retired school psychologist and former president of the LPEF Board.
Interested in creating an endowed fund?
Contact Executive Director, Nell Saunders-Scott at 608-787-0226 or for further information about establishing an endowment fund or to discuss planned giving options supporting one of these funds, or a new endowment.

Claire E. Jandt Endowment for Library Media at Northside Elementary School
This endowment, created by a gift from Dennis Jandt in memory of his wife, Claire, supports a grant for the Library Media Center at Northside Elementary School and will be used to buy books, audiovisual resources, reference materials, or other instructional print or non-print resources to promote and instill the joy of reading among children. Claire Jandt was a library media specialist for more than 30 years at Franklin Elementary, a predecessor to Northside.
McGavock Family Fund
The McGavock Family Fund has provided past support for music education and provides annual funding to support the REAL Girls program or projects addressing mental health in the School District of La Crosse. The fund is named for Ronald and Philip McGavock. Ronnie was a professional entertainer who settled in La Crosse to raise a family. Philip was a music educator in his native Illinois.
Judy and Randy Eddy Sr. Fund
Established in 2012 by means of a generous gift from longtime La Crosse residents Randy Eddy and his wife, Judy, and supplemented with proceeds from the Randy Eddy Marathon, this fund provides support to students and teachers in the La Crosse Schools with an emphasis on Logan High School.
Janet Kircher Isler Board Advised Fund
Funded in 2012 by a bequest from Janet Kircher Isler, a 1936 graduate of Central High School and a long-time teacher in Illinois, this fund supports special projects as directed by the Foundation’s board of directors.
Barbara Schroeder Board Advised Fund
Funded in 2014 by a bequest from Barbara Schroeder, a 1968 graduate of Central High School, this fund supports special projects as directed by the Foundation’s board of directors.
Other Funds to support LPEF programs
Several other funds have been established for the benefit of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation, primarily at the La Crosse Community Foundation. (Bolded links direct to the La Crosse Community Foundation website and opportunities to contribute to each fund).
La Crosse Public Education Foundation Endowment Fund, created at the La Crosse Community Foundation in 1991, ensures funding will be available to sustain the organization and classroom innovation grants in perpetuity.
Richard Swantz Endowment Fund of the La Crosse Community Foundation is named for the former superintendent of schools and one of LPEF’s founders. The Fund fosters teacher excellence by funding a grant each year in the area of staff development. Swantz, the longest serving superintendent of schools in La Crosse history and a co-founder of LPEF, died Oct. 15, 2019 at the age of 84.
Maureen and Robert Freedland Fund for Studies of the Shoah of the La Crosse Community Foundation exposes students to the history of the Shoah, the systematic genocide against the Jewish people and other “undesirable” groups targeted for destruction by the Nazi Regime in World War II. The goal is to help students understand its impact in the world today. Learn more about the creation of the fund and how it supports education today.
Heather and Stephen Ross and Maureen and Robert Freedland LPEF Fund for Diversity Education at the La Crosse Community provides grants for diversity education that promotes empathy, reduces prejudice, and enriches students’ abilities to think critically and creatively as they engage in conversations across difference. Diversity education topics can include, but are not limited to, race and culture, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and physical and intellectual abilities. Priority for educational opportunities that teach students about groups who are historically excluded/underrepresented in education, and/or groups who are marginalized and oppressed.
Sally A. Grimslid Memorial Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation provides extra funding for Northside Elementary School each year. The fund was established in memory of Sally, a former teacher at Franklin Elementary School, a predecessor to Northside.
Kids for Kids Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation, created with a donation from the Norman L. Gillette Sr. Family Fund, provides funding for dental and mental health services for schoolchildren in need.
Duane and Carol Taebel Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation provides annual support for LPEF with preference to activities for teachers and students at Spence Elementary School.
Carol Taebel “Thank a Teacher” Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation was established to support teacher appreciation activities within the School District of La Crosse. As a retired public school teacher, Carol knows firsthand how teaching can often feel like a thankless job even though teachers play a critical role in shaping the future of our next generation. Each year the fund awards a grant to the La Crosse Public Education Foundation which organizes an annual “Thank a Teacher Day” within the district coinciding with National Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
Tom and Judy Sleik Family Fund of the La Crosse Community Foundation supports designated beneficiaries including St. Claire Health Mission, Salvation Army, La Crosse Public Education Foundation, and La Crosse Public Library.
Judy and David Bouffleur Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation was established by Judy’s dear friends to honor her incredible service to the city of La Crosse. Judy has been an unsung angel in the La Crosse community for years working tirelessly for organizations including the Children’s Museum of La Crosse, United Fund for the Arts and Humanities and La Crosse Jazz Orchestra. She is also known for playing the piano for virtually every marriage, birthday and bar mitzvah she could find.
The Dr. Gunnar and Mary Baldwin Gundersen Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation, established through the generosity of Dr. Cameron and Rachel Gundersen, supports classroom grants and special programs.
Steven and Julianna Blanchar Memorial Fund of La Crosse Community Foundation provides funding for Kindergarten field trips for all students in the district during their first year of school.
Gertrude Salzer Gordon Private Foundation for the benefit of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation supports general operations and grant programs of LPEF.