Schools using LPEF Random Acts of Kindness funds to help students cope

At Lincoln Middle School, Random Acts of Kindness funds were used to help fill needs for school supplies for students working from home in the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have shuttered school doors for a time, but the virus could not stop School District staff from helping students and families – using Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) funds provided by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation.
RAK funding has been used to buy everything from hygiene supplies to calculators for students to use at home for math homework. One school bought pillows, bedding, towels, clothing and various supplies for two students who needed to move in with an older sibling during the pandemic.
A special LPEF emergency fund has paid for car repairs, home heating system repairs and for supplies for families in temporary housing.
Alicia Place, the District community service coordinator, said “the need for LPEF has been especially evident during the COVID pandemic. Having LPEF means that we have been able to quickly help meet family and students needs that have come up. The pandemic has certainly stretched many families’ budgets, and to be able to assist with some of these financial gaps has been crucial.”