The Logan High School Pride of the North Side Marching Band will be the beneficiaries of a new endowment fund established by Brad and Gail Quarberg.

Brad Quarberg
The Quarberg Family Pride of the North Side Endowment is being funded through a multi-year gift to the La Crosse Public Education Foundation. The Quarbergs, whose children have attended Logan, are devoted supporters of music and public education. Brad is a member of the Board of Education, and also serves on the LPEF Board. The primary funding for the endowment is from the stipend he receives as a member of the school board.
The fund expects to award its first annual grant during the spring of the 2018-19 school year. Money will be used to enhance the marching band program. This may include the purchase of instruments or music, or support student travel or show expenses.
The Quarberg fund joins a growing portfolio of endowed LPEF funds supporting grants or other initiatives that sustain and strengthen teaching and learning in the School District of La Crosse. To discuss creating an endowment to support a specific need, please contact LPEF Executive Director David Stoeffler at (608) 787-0226 or via email at .