Gold Star Grants are awarded in December and April each school year and in the 2021-22 school year over $80,000 in grants were funded.

Central High teachers, Scott Linssen, and LPEF Board member Kathie Tyser.
The majority of these project are put into action between September – May when most SDLC schools are in session. But with robust summer school schedules and two year-round schools, Gold Star Grants projects are in progress all year-round.
Brad Bryan and Scott Linssen hosted an introduction to Fly Fishing Class this June for 6-12 graders. The course was created in partnership with Coulee Region Trout Unlimited and taught students about about fish habitat, the science of stream and lake ecology, along with details about fly fishing including fly casting, fly tying, and how to catch fish. The grant was funded by the Tyser Power of Nature Fund.
Hamilton and Northside Elementary both have year-round schedules, so teachers and students have been back in school since mid-July. At Northside Elementary, the community gathered for a concert by well-loved children’s music duo, Koo Koo Kanga Roo on Friday August 12th. Noticing the social disconnects and reliance on screentime that grew during the pandemic, Northside teacher, Amoreena Rathke applied for a Gold Star Grant to make this community event possible, seeking to “provide opportunities for our students and their families to form relationships with each other, our neighbors, and the greater community through music and dance.” The event drew attendees from the school and surrounding community and was a fabulous opportunity to join together in celebration.
Kim Butterfield wrote a Gold Star Grant in the 2019-20 school year to bring nationally known literacy expert, Chris Tovani, to the District to share exciting strategies for teaching literacy. After rescheduling due to COVID, Chris was finally able to visit La Crosse in August to provide professional development sessions to staff in a wide variety of content areas, sharing techniques to teach literacy in all classes, even those not focused on language and reading.
Thanks to everyone who supports LPEF to make Gold Star Grants possible. We’re excited to see what projects teachers and staff come up with in the 2022-23 school year. The first round of grants will be due on October 24th and announced in early December. Stay tuned!