We salute retiring teachers and staff! The following 34 teachers, administrators, teacher assistants, custodians and others are ending a career of service to students in the School District of La Crosse. Some have already retired, while others will end careers later this year. Altogether, they have served 842 years in La Crosse public schools!
Salute to Educators Sponsor

With support from our Salute to Educators Sponsor Fowler & Hammer, LPEF helps to underwrite the cost of the District Retirement Dinner, and also partners with the La Crosse Tribune to publicly recognize retiring employees in a full-page ad published in mid-May.

Your gift in honor of an SDLC retiree will:
- Thank retiring teachers and/or staff for their service to education.
- Support enhanced educational experiences in the School District of La Crosse.
- Meet student needs through Random Acts of Kindness.
The retirees honored with the greatest number of gifts will have a classroom or staff training grant awarded in their name at LPEF’s Grants Award Luncheon in January 2025 and receive a complimentary ticket to the luncheon.
Congratulations to the following retirees!