Establishing an endowed fund with the La Crosse Public Education Foundation provides you with an opportunity to leave a lasting impact on public school education in La Crosse. Some funds support a specific need or area of interest, while others have multiple purposes or provide unrestricted support. In any case, LPEF works with investment advisers to establish a perpetual fund to serve your interests.

Endowment funds can be established during your lifetime, or as part of your estate plan.

The original principal or corpus of the endowed fund is invested per LPEF’s investment policy, unless otherwise dictated by the agreement with the benefactor. Distribution amounts are determined by the gift agreement and LPEF’s spending policy and approved annually by the LPEF Board. Generally, distributions range between 4% and 5% of a rolling average of the fund value, unless otherwise directed by agreement with the benefactor.

Unrestricted funds: Unrestricted endowments provide LPEF with the greatest flexibility to address evolving needs in the School District of La Crosse.

  • Benefactors may choose to make a gift – in any amount — to LPEF’s General Endowment.
  • Or, a benefactor may set up a new unrestricted endowment with a minimum gift of $10,000 (which can be paid over multiple years).

Designated funds: When a designated fund is established, the benefactor selects one or more areas of interest – consistent with the mission of LPEF — as the perpetual recipient of the fund’s distributions. Fund agreements provide specifics on the funding mechanism, and any limits for redirecting the purpose of the fund if circumstances change. To establish an endowment fund, benefactors complete a simple fund agreement, which spells out details, including the method of funding the endowment. LPEF staff will draft and individualize the document to make intentions clear. Funds may be established with a minimum gift of $10,000 (which can be paid over multiple years).

Benefactors receive tax deductions for the initial contribution to the fund and when additional contributions are made to the fund.

Existing Endowments

A gift may be made at any time, by any person, and in any amount, to supplement an existing LPEF endowment fund.

For more information contact
Executive Director
Nell Saunders-Scott

Donor Spotlight: Unrestricted estate gifts

DISCLAIMER: It is our policy to remind benefactors that LPEF does not provide tax, legal, financial or related advice concerning gifts, and encourages benefactors to seek out their own personal advisers on such matters.