Recent Posts from the La Crosse Public Education Foundation

  • Kember Family Music Grant to Support Music Education

    Students and educators in the School District of La Crosse will have access to additional resources to support music education, thanks to the generosity of Jerry and Nan Kember. Jerry and Nan both spent their careers in education. As a music educator and later administrator and Superintendent in the School

  • Welcome Charlotte Roberts and Tony Gingrasso

    LPEF is pleased to welcome Charlotte Roberts and Tony Gingrasso to our Board of Directors. Charlotte has worked in education for 18 years. Her fondest memories while working in education include teaching in elementary schools. She currently works as a professor at UW-La Crosse in the Early Preparation Program for

  • Grants Award Luncheon – 2025

    Friday, January 17th, LPEF held its annual Grants Award Luncheon to celebrate public education. The luncheon recognized the March 2024 grant recipients and the December 2024 grant recipients. Also honored at the luncheon: Thank you to the Featured Presenters Clinton Grabhorn, Lila Planavsky, Jenn Speckeen, and Nick O’Keefe (all educators

  • Gold Star Grants – $51,138 awarded in December 2024

    La Crosse Public Education Foundation is proud to support students at all grade levels through 21 grant projects receiving $51,138 in funding. These grants provide teachers with a chance to expand their skills, give students access to exciting educational experiences, and allow students, staff, and schools to collaborate on exciting

  • $88,000 awarded for K-5 students to get a powerful boost in reading skills

    Two major literacy education grants from La Crosse Public Education Foundation (LPEF) will support the School District of La Crosse’s commitment to the science of reading, providing a research-based approach to literacy instruction. The funding comes via a generous gift from a local anonymous benefactor.  With a $51,000 grant, all

  • 2024 Bowtie Classic Golf Outing & Knowledge Open

    We had a beautiful day for our 12th annual Bowtie Classic Golf Outing & Knowledge Open! Congratulations to the winning teams that won grants for the School District of La Crosse. Check out photos from the event on our Facebook Page! Thank you to our following sponsors who make the

  • Longfellow Outdoor Adventure Club

    This spring, LPEF joined other community donors and awarded a Gold Star Grant to the Longfellow Outdoor Adventure Club for their Backpacking 101 summer school course. Clint Grabhorn and Lila Planavsky, Longfellow Middle School teachers and the Longfellow Adventure Club Co-leaders, shared the outcome of that week with us. “In

  • 14 Seventh-Grade Students Receive Award for Never Again! Reflection Contest

    Charlytte Nuttal from Longfellow Middle School and Evelyn Bailey and Emmaline Runyong both from Logan Middle Schol have each won the first-place prize in the Never Again! Reflection Contest from 61 total entries. The contest is designed to bring added meaning to studies of the Holocaust by connecting it with

  • Honoring district retirees!

    We salute retiring teachers and staff! The following 34 teachers, administrators, teacher assistants, custodians and others are ending a career of service to students in the School District of La Crosse. Some have already retired, while others will end careers later this year. Altogether, they have served 842 years in

  • 10th Annual Thank A Teacher Event

    North Woods Teachers Kindergarten teachers, Kate Hooper, Indy Stanton, and Tara Schuttenhelm with Carol Taebel (center) and Heidi Morris (right). Senator Brad Pfaff with Logan High School staff and Associate Principal, Tony DePaolo. Central High School Staff Longfellow Middle School Staff, including LPEF Board member, Xeng Lee (left). For the