2015 Bowtie Classic raises nearly $22,000 for grants and other LPEF programs
Presented by
Other major sponsors
Due to the support of Midwest Fuels and other major sponsors, the 2015 Charlie Miller Bowtie Classic Golf Outing and Knowledge Open was a tremendous success, producing nearly $22,000 in net proceeds to support classroom grants and other programs of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation.
In addition, teams won another $1,500 in direct grants to individual schools in the School District of La Crosse.
Despite ongoing construction at Forest Hills Golf Course, the event on Sept. 5, 2015, drew about 75 golfers, plus about 20 students asking Knowledge Open questions and providing a reminder that the event is all about enhancing education.

Susan Miller, wife of the late Dr. Charles Miller III, joins former Superintendent Jerry Kember selling raffle tickets at the Sept. 5 Bowtie Classic.
The golf outing — held for the third time — honors the late Dr. Charles Miller III, a foundation co-founder and a longtime member of the Board of Education for the School District of La Crosse. Dr. Miller was a surgeon at what is now Gundersen Health System. He died unexpectedly while playing racquetball in May 2011.
Susan Miller, wife of the late Dr. Miller, as well as their daughter Jeanie Everson and family, were on hand to join the festivities and also help sponsor the event.
Teams compete not just on golf skills in the scramble format. The event includes a unique feature: the Knowledge Open Challenge. At various holes on the course, questions are asked by National Honor Society students. Each event foursome, as a team, answers the questions during its round of play. Teams’ final scores are based on their golf game as well as their performance on the quiz.

Winning first place, with a final score of 34, was the team of Ben Fowler, Brad Fowler, Tom Londergan and Scott Straker. They won a grant of $500 for Logan High School.

Second place, with a score of 38, went to the team of Brent Wilkerson, Beau Elston, Kevin Hooper and Josh Buxton. They played for North Woods Elementary School and won a grant of $250.

Third place, with a score of 40, was a team of Associate Superintendent Troy Harcey, School Board member Jeff Meyer, Central High School Assistant Principal Troy McDonald and Superintendent Randy Nelson. The team was playing for Emerson Elementary School and won a grant of $125.

Fourth place went to the team with the highest score. A team from the Boys & Girls Club of La Crosse — sponsored by Midwest Fuels — was led by Jake Brown and included students Chris Lopez, Cole Parins-Renwick and Andriel Morgan. Their efforts won $125 for Northside Elementary School.
See a complete photo gallery of teams here.
The 2015 Bowtie Classic was presented by Midwest Fuels.
Other major sponsors include: Festival Foods, the Weber Family Foundation, Marine Credit Union, Gundersen Health System, Coulee Bank and Honda Motorwerks.
Hole sponsors were:
3P Administrators
Associated Financial Group
Bray Architects
Brickl Bros
Complete Control
DeBoer Pest Control
First Student
Five Star Telecom
Fowler & Hammer
Brad & Ann Fowler
Ken French
GECU, The Friendly Credit Union
Mark Glendenning & Margie Webster
Hale, Skemp, Hanson, Skemp & Sleik
JFK Associates
Jerry & Nan Kember
Klich Electric
La Crosse Area Retired Educators’ Association
La Crosse Education Association
La Crosse Tribune (2)
Jeff Meyer
Randy & Lynn Nelson
Person First Supportive Services
Prairie Farms Dairy
Ron Hammes Refrigeration
Barb Schultz
Tom & Judy Sleik
Roland & Janeane Solberg
Judy & Dick Swantz
Jean, Tom & Holli Thompson
Travel Leaders
Tostrud & Temp
Stephen & Katherine Webster
Raffle prizes: Forest Hills Golf Course, First Student, Roger LeGrand, Fred Kusch, Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Twins
Hole contest prizes provided by: Edwardo’s, Northland Golf, Schmidty’s, Java Vino, Ken French, Greg Bonney, Shawn Dutchin and Tammy Larson
SPECIAL THANKS: To Susan Miller and the family of Dr. Charles Miller III for support, including sponsoring registrations for young people to play in this year’s event.
Our Planning Committee: Chaired by Superintendent Randy Nelson. Other members: Dick Swantz, Jerry Kember, Fred Kusch, Ken French, Tammy Larson, Shawn Dutchin, Steve Hole, Keith Stoll and LPEF Executive Director David Stoeffler.
National Honor Society students arranged by Troy Harcey and Jerry Kember.
Water provided courtesy of Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling of La Crosse.